On Thursday 11 December 2008 08:10:38 am Ulrike Fischer wrote:
Am Thu, 11 Dec 2008 07:21:56 -0700 schrieb Bart C. Wise:
If I change the loop to be the following, I still get the same error:
\def\myloop#1{% \tempcnta=\the\startcnt% \loop \advance \tempcnta by 1 \if\tempcnta=#1\else \repeat\fi }
No, the \repeat take the place of the \fi. Also you should always end numbers with a space or a \relax to avoid trouble due to tex trying to expand the following commands in search for more numbers.
\newcount\startcnt \newcount\tempcnta
\def\myloop#1{% \tempcnta=\the\startcnt\relax% \loop \the\tempcnta, \advance \tempcnta by 1 \ifnum\tempcnta<#1 \repeat }
Excellent. Thanks Ulrike. This fixes the original problem! Bart