Am 30.04.10 10:41, schrieb Marius:
I redone your example, see attached files.
Is it ok to redefine combined list like I did?
And how to I do that everything that precedes the table of contents does not appear in the table of contents?
\setuphead[title][incrementnumber=list] \setuphead[subject][incrementnumber=list] \setuphead[subsubject][incrementnumber=list] \setuphead[subsubsubject][incrementnumber=list] \setuphead[subsubsubsubject][incrementnumber=list] \setupheads[sectionstopper=.] \definecombinedlist [content] [part, chapter, section, subsection, subsubsection, subsubsubsection, subsubsubsubsection, title, subject, subsubject, subsubsubject, subsubsubsubject, subsubsubsubsubject] [criterium=all] \startsectionblockenvironment[frontpart] \setuphead[title,subject,subsubject][incrementnumber=no] \stopsectionblockenvironment \starttext \startfrontmatter \title{This title should not be in the table of contents} \subject{This Subject should not be in the table of contents} \subject{This Subject should not be in the table of contents} \subsubject{This subSubject should not be in the table of contents} \title{This Contents title should not be in the table of contents} \placecontent \stopfrontmatter \startbodymatter \chapter{Chapter} \section{Section} \subject{Subject} \subsubject{subSubject} \subsection{Subject} \section{Section} \section{Section} \stopbodymatter \stoptext Wolfgang