On Thursday 01 April 2010 19:43:51 Hans Hagen wrote:
On 1-4-2010 19:40, Sebastien Mengin wrote:
Do you plan to work on a French version as a basis and translate it afterward?
that's indeed a problem. as there is some european funding involved as well as from somefrench academy it has to be in french but once the content is there arthur will also do the translation (i still remember eurotex in brest ... all in french because of some rules)
That was the early effects of some un-enforceable law carrying the name of Mr. "All-good" (law Toubon). I recently organized an international summer school in Corsica (nice place to hold a summer school) and indeed was contacted by some obscure association with the aim of defending the French language. You see, our website was in English (remember, *international* summer school) and we were "reported" by one of their members. (They had no shame to say so... kind of reminds one not the very best episodes of recent French history.) So I looked into the law and followed it to the letter: I offered to the one French national teacher (out of 12) the possibility to give his course in French. Of course he would not think of it. And I made sure that we had a translation device on hand (a dictionary). So I suggest that Arthur write the book in French and maybe I could translate it into Dutch. Alan