In the ConTeXt manual (cont-eni.pdf) it says in the chapter on references by way of example:
In this chapter, we can safely use references, without the danger of clashing with references in other chapters. If we have a figure:
\placefigure[here][fig:worldmap]{A map of the \TeX\ world}{...}
In the chapter itself we can refer to this figure with:
\in {figure} [fig:worldmap]
However, if I use this scheme on the following input:
\placefigure[here][fig:exceptionhierarchy]{Sample~exception~hierarchy}% {\externalfigure[ExceptionHierarchy][scale=800]}
By way of example, \in{figure}[fig:exceptionhierarchy] shows the hierarchy for ...
The following error trace occurs (TeXShop):
floatblocks : 1 placed ! Undefined control sequence. \doloop ...ndcsname \recurselevel \let \endofloop \dodoloop \dodoloop 1 \removeunwantedspaces ...kip \else \exitloop \fi } \fi <argument> ...\ignorespaces \removeunwantedspaces \rightofreference \doifelsenothing #1->\edef \!!stringa {#1 }\ifx \!!stringa \empty \expandafte... <argument> ...veunwantedspaces \rightofreference } {\egroup \dosymbolreferenc...
\doifreferencefoundelse ...ce \ifreferencefound #2 \rightofreference ... l.121 ...mple, \in{figure}[fig:exceptionhierarchy] shows the ?
What I am doing wrong? Or has some change in macros taken place? I am using the following version: ConTeXt ver: 2004.6.14 fmt: 2004.6.15 int: english mes: english I would be happy if someone can provide the answer. Hans van der Meer