I've been trying to make capitalized (uppercase) headings with little success. I'd like to have the titles simply capitalized as with \cap or \WORD. A minimal example: --- \setuphead[title][style=WORD] \starttext \title{This is a title} The title should be \cap{capitalized} or \WORD{capitalized}. \stoptext --- What should I give as the style? I have tried the following: style=WORD -> no effect style=Caps -> no effect style=uppercased -> no effect style=CAP -> no effect style=Cap -> no effect style=cap -> error style=kap -> error style=smallcaps -> small caps (when the font supports) It is interesting to get an error message for the "style=cap", because this is one of the listed options in the definition of \setuphead in the manual. What did a do wrong? - Ville