Hi Gerben,
Have a two column text with the marginal notes from the left column appear on the left and the ones from the right column on the right. When I use 2-columns and I use \inmargin, I get them on the right where the marginal notes from the left column are on top of the right column (not good)
Is there a way to do this? Probably yes with something \if-like?
After sttudying the sources and a bunch of trial and errors I can come up with the following solution which works for a two solumns set! \definecolumnset[example][n=2] \define[1]\MargText{% \ifodd\mofcolumns{% \inleft{#1}} \else {\inright{#1}}\fi} \starttext \startcolumnset[example] \MargText{Here left of column} \input tufte \column[local] \input tufte \MargText{\ifodd\mofcolumns{Hello!, still left of column}\else {Hello, now right of column}\fi} \stopcolumnset \stoptext I believe that Hans will make a generic solution... Kind regards Willi