Dear Luigi, dear Rolf, thank you for your help. Below is a (hopefully) better example of what I try to do and where it fails. The last line in tabulate (starting with "22C6") loses the grid, and I can't see why. Unfortunately the solutions you suggested did not work for me. I do want to avoid to specify cell heights, I just want to arrange paragraph boxes, all (horizontally) top-aligned with each entry in my table. TABLE with \synchronizegrid would do the trick (a non-framed table would have grid-keeping rows). Still it seems to fail in my specific setting (two-column, I could not trace down what the problem really is). And the need to specify the number of rows is a problem in my case, as I would need to add a parameter to my macro etc. Johannes %%%%%%%%%% \setuplayout[grid=yes] \showgrid \showstruts \starttext \input tufte \starttabulate[|p(.1\textwidth)|p(.1\textwidth)|p(.5\textwidth)|p(.2\textwidth)|]% \NC 002B \NC $+$ \NC plus; Addition \NC \NR \NC 00D7 \NC $\times$ \NC kartesisches Produkt (von Mengen);\hfill\break Kreuzprodukt (Vektorprodukt);\hfill\break mal; Produkt (bei Zahlwerten) \NC \NR \NC 2217 \NC $*$ \NC (Stern, Asterisk); Konvolution; Faltung; Produkt \NC \NR \NC 22C6 \NC $\star$ \NC (Stern); Zeichen fuer spezielle Produkte \NC \NR \stoptabulate \blank \input tufte \stoptext %%%%%%%%%% -- Johannes Kuester typoma mailto:jk@typoma.com http://www.typoma.com