I am trying to create an in-text list, with parenthesis, but without the period. If I use this `\startitemize[text, n]`, I get an in-text list, but there are periods: There are many kinds of animals at the children's zoo: (1.) rabbits, (2.) pigs, (3.) sheep, and (4.) dogs. Strangely when I use `\startitemize[text, n, stopper=]`, which I hoped would make the period go away, I just get a regular bulleted list, it seems to ignore the 'text' command. How can I achieve this output (below)? There are many kinds of animals at the children's zoo: (1) rabbits, (2) pigs, (3) sheep, and (4) dogs. --Joel Minimum working example: \starttext There are many kinds of animals at the children's zoo: \startitemize[text, n, stopper=] \item rabbits, \item pigs, \item sheep, and \item dogs. \stopitemize \stoptext