Hello, As I told before, I want the grey box as defined in the page numbering (see below) to appear with its outer border aligned to the outer border of the outer margin. Right now, it aligns with its inner border to the inner border of the outer margin. I tried with uitlijnen=buiten but without success. Here is a minimal file, as asked for : \def\mijnpaginanummer#1% {\startkleur[wit] \inlijnd kader=uit,achtergrond=kleur,achtergrondkleur=middelgrijs,breedte=2.5cm,h oogte=1.1cm]% {#1} \stopkleur} \stelnummeringin [variant=dubbelzijdig,plaats={onder,inmarge},% commando={\mijnpaginanummer}] \stellayoutin [breedte=19cm, hoogte=14.9cm, kopwit=0cm, rugwit=1cm, hoofd=2.5cm, linkermarge=1.2cm, rechtermarge=1.2cm, linkermargeafstand=0cm, rechtermargeafstand=0cm] ....... Geert