The following code fragment places the desired graphic at the beginning of the chapter but indents it to the right a quarter or 3/8 of an inch. The text (parameter #2, the chapter title) prints to the right of the figure but sometimes extends into the right margin. Other times, it wraps down to following lines as it should. The text begins right against the graphic (in a blank space) as it should, but the whole thing, graphic and text, are offset to the right rather than being aligned with the left margin. All other figures in the document are where they are supposed to be. Any ideas? \def\Myheader#1#2{ \setupfloats[offset=none,margin=0 in] \startfiguretext [left] [fig:graphic] {none} {\externalfigure[graphic][frame=off]} {\switchtobodyfont[26pt] {\ss\bf\sl #1}} \godown[.5in] {\ss\bf #2} \stopfiguretext} Tom Benjey 717-258-9733 voice 717-243-0074 fax Twitter: @TomBenjey