On 22 Jul 2019, at 18:34, Huseyin Özoguz
wrote: The problem is, that Context (or Tex) skips lines, which is poor typesetting, too many even than necessary in some cases, and that is not suitable.
ConTeXt does not skip too much in this example, it the second footnote will just not fit with the (default) parameter set ConTeXt is using. If the footnote 2 would be on the first page, that is an extra line for the reference line, and an extra line for the actual note. There is an implicit \blank before the footnote rule, and that is a third ‘line’. Since there only is 2 lines (and a bit) of space available, it will not fit. Disable the default \blank with: \setupnote[footnote][before=] and both notes will fit on the first page. Best wishes, Taco