Am 19.01.2013 um 15:56 schrieb 土卜皿
hi, Wolfgang thank you! The source in attachment!
I would try to avoid mixing simplefonts and zhfonts because it could lead to problems. You can now try a simplefonts only solution and look if the weird spacing disappears, when the problem remains you should change the font because when I use your example with “MS Mincho” or “Adobe Song Std” the spacing is better. \usemodule[simplefonts] %\definefontfeature[default][default][onum=yes,pnum=yes] \setmainfont[TeX Gyre Pagella] % Monaco \setsansfont[TeX Gyre Heros] \setmonofont[TeX Gyre Cursor] % Monaco \setcjkmainfont[Fang Song] \setcjkmonofont[Fang Song] \setupbodyfont[9pt] \setscript[hanzi] \starttext 无线传感网络存在分布的跨区域性,随着无线传。 English font is no problem! \stoptext Wolfgang