Hi, I wonder if it's necessary to manually load the MetaPost variables using LoadPageState. Some of them are static and do not require an update on each page, e.g. NOfPages, but many of them might change on each page, e.g. OnOddPage, PageNumber, TextWidth. Forgetting to use LoadPageState easily results in perfectly valid code producing wrong results, which might not be hard to spot. Example: \setuplayout [width=10cm] \showframe \starttext \startMPcode fill unitsquare xyscaled (\the\textwidth, 2cm); \stopMPcode \startMPcode fill unitsquare xyscaled (TextWidth, 2cm); \stopMPcode \startMPcode LoadPageState; fill unitsquare xyscaled (TextWidth, 2cm); \stopMPcode \stoptext I assume it's too inefficient to load the page state automatically for each graphic. However, loading the page state automatically is simple: \startMPinitializations LoadPageState; \stopMPinitializations Marco