I would like to create a document using some functionality that is
pretty close to creating an index, but the built-in index creation
code doesn't suffice. My main question is: how do I sort strings using
the built-in sorting rules for the current language?
Here is an example with a table of names:
names = {
{first="Hans", last="Hagen"},
{first="Hartmut", last="Henkel"},
{first="Taco", last="Hoekwater"},
{first="Caron", last="Haček"}
{first="Ančka", last="Car"}
{first="Ana", last="Car"}
{first="Anita", last="Car"}
{first="Matija", last="Čop"}
and I want to print out the following:
The following code works for English and needs a fix to respect local
sorting rules. I would be grateful for any hint before reinventing the
wheel (the hint can also be a pointer to the right line of ConTeXt
source code that does the sorting; I was a bit lost in the code).
\def\person#1#2{\hbox{{\sc #1}, #2}}
Code that needs fixing:
names = {
{first="Hans", last="Hagen"},
{first="Hartmut", last="Henkel"},
{first="Taco", last="Hoekwater"},
{first="Caron", last="Haček"},
{first="Ančka", last="Car"},
{first="Ana", last="Car"},
{first="Anita", last="Car"},
{first="Matija", last="Čop"},
-- this should sort with local sorting rules; how?
function sort_names(a,b)
if (a.last == b.last) then
return a.first