What do you do with ConTeXT?
I'm using ConTeXt to typeset my Ph.D. dissertation, and have used it over the last few years to typeset seminar papers, outlines, and so on. Recently I've also helped a friend typeset his monograph. He is an architect and painter, so this text is full of diagrams, paintings, fold-out pages, prose, and indexes. ConTeXt made it possible to generate a really beautiful, complex book. I believe that there was nothing he wanted to do that we couldn't work out with ConTeXt. For some reason I've always enjoyed working through the difficulties of using a complex program that I know should work—this reached a high point with plain TeX, then LaTeX, and carried on (due to my always being restless) to my favorite: ConTeXt. Installation of fonts was particularly difficult, though I can't exactly say why—things go much more smoothly now. I spent many hours trying and retrying, reading and rereading, to get OT fonts working with margin kerning. I feel much more connection with the history and practice of typesetting working with ConTeXt than with any WYSIWYG system I've tried.