On 2015-04-26 14:01, Hans Hagen wrote:
On 4/26/2015 3:32 AM, Rik Kabel wrote:
I have two problems with figures placed into the left or right margin. When the figure is in a group, extra whitespace is inserted between the paragraphs that precede and follow the placefigure command. This happens for figures placed by startplacefigure/stopplacefigure and tradiitonal placefigure commands, and paragraphs placed by startparagraph/stopparagraph or marked by par or newlines.
When the figure is not in a group, whitespace called for by \setupwhitespace is lost, except when the paragraphs are marked by traditional means. That is, whitespace is lost when startparagraph/stopparagraph is used.
Interestingly, when that is changed to bpar/epar, the problem for ungrouped figures disappears, but as I understand it, bpar/epar is not a real substitute for startparagraph/stopparagraph.
There is probably a simple explanation, but it eludes me. I prefer to be able to use startparagraph/stopparagraph, and it is sometimes desirable to place a figure into a group in order to prevent unique settings from leaking out.
you can test with this in cont-new.mkiv
\def\page_sides_inject_dummy_lines {\begingroup \scratchcounter\pageshrink \divide\scratchcounter \baselineskip \advance\scratchcounter \plusone \parskip\zeropoint \dorecurse\scratchcounter{\hbox to \hsize{}}% \kern-\scratchcounter\baselineskip \penalty\zerocount \endgroup}
\def\page_sides_prepare_space {\par %\whitespace \begingroup \forgetall \reseteverypar \verticalstrut \vskip-\struttotal \endgroup}
Thank you, Hans. That works well, both on the example and on a more complex real document. -- Rik