Hallo, as a former LaTeX-user I am quite confused by \setupinterlinespace. Could you help me with two aspects, please? 1. If I define \setupinterlinespace at the beginning of my document then all "elements" (like bodytext,foonotes, chapter, section etc.) are affected. How can I define the interlinespaces for each individually? 2. I can use \setupinterlinespace[line=13pt] which gives a fixed interlinespace for all "elements" (like bodytext,foonotes or section headings) and I can use \setupinterlinespace[small] or \setupinterlinespace[medium] or \setupinterlinespace[big] which gives different interlinespaces relative to the fontsizes of footnotes, headings, text etc. with factor values from 1 to 1.5 (as it is written in the manual). How can I define other values - like 1.1 or 1.75?? Thank you for any reply, Steffen