Hi Hans, Did u intentionally make the option [sectionnumber=yes] the default for \placelist[]? This seems rather strange and arbitrary (chapter and subsection are not affected)... Unfortunately, adding sectionnumber=no, also kills the sectioning numbers on the left of the titles... I need the sectioning labels in the left of the TOC but not in the page numbers... Best Idris =======placelist.tex======= % output=pdf interface=en \definecombinedlist[summary][chapter,section,subsection][textstyle=\tf] \setupcombinedlist [summary]\setupcombinedlist [summary][alternative=c, textstyle=\tfa\tf, % sectionnumber=no, interaction=all] \starttext \chapter{Test1} \section{test1} \subsection{test1} \dorecurse{4}{\input knuth\par\ } \chapter{Test2} \section{test2} \subsection{test2} \dorecurse{4}{\input knuth\par\ } \chapter{Test3} \section{test3} \subsection{test3} \dorecurse{4}{\input knuth\par\ } \chapter{Test4} \section{test4} \subsection{test4} \dorecurse{4}{\input knuth\par\ } \page \placesummary[criterium=all] \stoptext ===================== ============================ Professor Idris Samawi Hamid Department of Philosophy Colorado State University Fort Collins, CO 80523