On Tue, 16 Feb 2016 08:21:42 -0700
I do note that the VIM syntax highlighting routine is pretty poor and has difficulties around $, which is a symbol that I like using (unpaired) quite a lot in MetaPost (\startMPcode...\stopMPcode).
The stock vim context syntax highlighting ist terrible, indeed. I modified the syntax files, the result is still terrible (and reflect my personal context writing style instead of being general), but for me they're better than the original ones. Then I contacted Nikolai with the patches a while ago. He told me that he's not maintaining the syntax files any longer and if I want to take over maintainership. I declined because I know I wouldn't have much time at my disposal the next months.
What sort of needs for structure could \m address for inline math? Clearly, an equation to which one might want to have a reference math should appear rather as displayed math.
While I agree on that one, writing \math{x^2} clearly states what it is. TeX tradition aside, dollar signs make no sense here and you have to manually match beginning and end. Braces are matched automatically (probably depends on the editor as well). Marco