Thomas A. Schmitz wrote:
I hate doing it, but I have to disagree ;-) I was trying to fix this
Ok. Thomas, can you try the definition below with a font that has correct kerning? (you have to set \smartquotationfontstrue as well, of course ). Should work, but I cannot test due to lack of fonts ;-) Cheers, Taco \unprotect \newif\ifsmartquotationfonts \def\dohandlequotation#1#2% {\ifsmartquotationfonts #2% \ifhmode \penalty\!!tenthousand\hskip\zeropoint \fi \strut \languageparameter#1% \else \ifdim\lastskip=\quotationsignal \unskip\hskip\hspaceamount\currentlanguage{interquotation}% \else #2% \fi \ifhmode \penalty\!!tenthousand\hskip\zeropoint \fi \strut \symbol[#1]% \penalty\!!tenthousand\hskip\quotationsignal \fi }% \protect