Hi again October 06, 2003 9:18 AM Pawel wrote:
Hi all!
TEXEXEC documentation and self documented 'texexec.rme' file says that it should be copied to 'texexec.ini'. First of all; I have two 'texexec.rme' in TeX tree; first in
the second in
Of course should be '...TeX/texmf/context/config' and '...TeX/texmf/context/perltk' respectively. Sorry for that. Monday, October 06, 2003 11:17 AM Patrick Gundlach:
What system are you using?
I'm using the same TeX installation for both windows and linux (common texmf tree and binaries based on TeXLive7 distribution). The main adventage is that I come across each problem only ones :-) October 06, 2003 11:37 AM George N. White III:
Did you run mktexlsr?
Ok, sorry for that stupid mistake. After updating base, 'texexec.ini' is taken into account insead of 'texexec.rme'. But I still can't get an idea of copying '.rme' to '.ini' since '.rme' file can be read as well. Is that an easy way to save orginal config file untouched? The reason I'm so persistant to solve that (probably not crucial) problem is that I'm still spying another problem -- generating format with proper default font information (as described in details in other threads). I thought that texexec config file(s) may be important at that point. But after copying 'texexec.rme' to 'texexec,ini', changing some defaults, like set FmtLanguage to pl set FmtBodyFont to plr and updating ls-R, the problem still appear, means that format generated with proper command texexec --make --language=pl,en --bodyfont=plr en doesn't use the proper default font.... So I'm afraid it's not the solution. Thanks anyway, Pawe/l