Le 26 oct. 04, à 13:53, Hans Hagen a écrit :
Maurice Diamantini wrote:
4 - about ConTeXt and Metapost: What should I put in the "verbatimtex ... etex" header to be able to use ConTexT in btex..etex instead of LaTex? (I don't want use (for now ) the "inside ConTeXt document" method for the sake of environnement robustness, and for reusability)
normally nothing has to go in there you can make stand alond graphics with context doing:
\setupcolors[state=start] \starttext \startMPpage your mp code \stopMPpage \stoptext
That gives you a stand alone pdf graphic that you can embed later
The problem is probably due to my installation (texlive 2003 installed in a non standard directory) Everything works well but the previous code give me a write page. (should I put mp code between beginfig..endfig ?) If I do the magic (from http://contextgarden.net/Linux_Installation) texexec --make --alone --all en nl uk metafun mptopdf After some time it give me: `texexec.pl' not found. In fact, I've never been able to make the basic exemples about Metafun working.
no, btex etex is parsed and handles in special ways; this is why metafun has the textext macro
That is a good raison for using context with Metafun... as soon as installation works! Maurice,