Hi again, in my current book project there are sets of full-page graphics, where there’s first a drawing, to be printed on transparent paper, followed by a water colour picture as background, i.e. a series of right page: foreground graphic right page: background graphic The transparent pages are left out in pagination. Between chapters (i.e. stories), the following macro does what I want: \def\DoublePic#1{ \page[right] % foreground picture on transparent paper \setuppagenumbering[state=stop]\setuppagenumber[state=stop]\par \resetlayer[bg] \setlayer[bg]{\externalfigure[#1-fore][height=\dimexpr(\paperheight +6mm)]} \setupbackgrounds[page][background=bg] \strut\par % page needs some content \page[right] % background picture on normal paper \setuppagenumber[state=start]\par \resetlayer[bg] \setlayer[bg]{\externalfigure[#1-back][height=\dimexpr(\paperheight +6mm)]} \setupbackgrounds[page][background=bg] \strut\par \page \setuppagenumbering[state=start] } Now, the publisher would like to move the picture pages in the middle of the stories, i.e. I need them to float "here" without manual page breaking. How can I achieve that? I’d also appreciate enhancements to my macro above. (MkIV latest beta on OSX Intel.) Thank you very much in advance! Greetlings, Hraban --- http://www.fiee.net/texnique/ http://wiki.contextgarden.net https://www.cacert.org (I'm an assurer)