On 9/20/24 21:22, Steffen Wolfrum wrote:
Hi Pablo,
sorry, I do not understand anything... [...] What do you mean by all of this? My question was about how «alt text» can be provied by ConTeXt.
Hi Steffen, sorry for not being clearer and more accurate in my previous reply. Since Hraban already gave a reply, I thought it was important to have the whole context to the new accessibility requirements for digital content generated (as this is related to ConTeXt).
Why do you repeat and list all these legal details?
I gave the legal details because I thought that they probably contained requirements that ConTeXt might need to have them implemented. In fact, it would be wise to see what is required and what may be needed in ConTeXt (starting a new wiki page for accessibility).
[...] The more detailed explanation only intends to show why replying to a message to create a new thread breaks the display of message threads.
When I click on one of the two links you have posted, it will open «Same font for metafun as document» What is this?
The main thread which the accesibility thread belongs to. Sorry if the attached image displays what may be already clear to you, but it displays all messages as a single thread (with Thunderbird).
I never saw or read this thread, so why do you think my email hijacked something? What have I done wrong?
Sorry if that wasn’t clear in my previous message, I‘m sure the issue with thread was not intended. What already happened is not important (it just helps to increase the visibility of new threads). I only mentioning this issue right now to rule out this is not a bug, especially in HyperKitty. From your message headers, it looks like you use Apple Mail. If you go to the original message you sent starting the accessibility thread, press Shift-Command-H to toogle full header display. If the full header contains "In-Reply-To:" and you didn’t compose your new message by replying to another one, somehow your mail program understood your new message as a reply. If the full header doesn’t contain any "In-Reply-To:" field, it seems that HyperKitty considered your new message as a reply to an old one. Sorry for insisting, the message to be checked is the one you originally sent to the list (which should be in your folde for sent messages), not the one received in your inbox. I hope it might help now, Pablo