Jean-Pierre Delange schrieb am 23.09.2023 um 20:37:
Thanks to Pablo, Hraban and Wolfgang for their advice.
Precisely, I've never had any problems before with installing additional fonts for CTX with MS Windows : it usually "works".
That's why I was wondering... So I'm going to put the extra fonts in /texmf-fonts/fonts/data as Hraban advises.
But to make a "set OSFONTDIR=c:\windows\fonts" is allways necessary I presume (in order to make CTX able to use windows fonts) ?
The file mtxrun.lua contains the following check which sets default paths on Windows and Mac when no value for OSFONTDIR is set. do local osfontdir=osgetenv("OSFONTDIR") if osfontdir and osfontdir~="" then elseif osname=="windows" then ossetenv("OSFONTDIR","c:/windows/fonts//") elseif osname=="macosx" then ossetenv("OSFONTDIR","$HOME/Library/Fonts//;/Library/Fonts//;/System/Library/Fonts//") end end Wolfgang