Karsten Heymann wrote:
I cannot expect a ready-to-run solution, but any hints or "best context practices" would be highly appreciated!
In ConTeXt you can define alternative heads and tocs quite easily, but the actual setup depends (of course) on the structure of your input files. Here are some relevant, slighly editted bits from a book I've been working on (it has two tocs with wildly varying formats): Hope this helps, Taco % \definehead[shortchapter][chapter] \definehead[shortpart][part] \definecombinedlist [shortcontent] [shortpart,shortchapter] [level=shortchapter, criterium=all] \setuplist [shortpart,shortchapter] [numbercommand=\gobbleoneargument,pagenumber=no] \def\startchapter[#1]% {\chapter{#1}% \expanded {\writetolist[shortchapter]{\getvalue{section-2number}}{#1}}} \def\stopchapter {\page } \starttext \startfrontmatter \subject{Short Contents} \placecombinedlist[shortcontent] \completecontent \stopfrontmatter \startbodymatter \shortpart{First part} \dorecurse{5} {\expanded{\startchapter[Chapter \recurselevel]} \dorecurse{5}{\section{My section} \input knuth } \stopchapter} \shortpart{Second part} \dorecurse{2} {\expanded{\startchapter[Chapter \recurselevel]} \dorecurse{5}{\input knuth } \stopchapter} \stopbodymatter \stoptext