Hello everyone, I apologize if this has been brought up already (or if my mistake is painfully obvious), but I'm having a slight issue with overfull hboxes. I think it is connected to hyphenation and/or using different fonts. Test file: at the end of this mail or at https://gist.github.com/JulianGmp/fe20df633554f5aff02e02eb47a6780f The output PDF I got: https://i.imgur.com/c8S7Di5.png Best regards, Julian % Compiled document (screenshot): % https://i.imgur.com/c8S7Di5.png \setuppapersize[A4] \showframe \setuplayout[ topspace=1cm, header=0cm, width=16cm, footer=0cm, bottom=1cm, ] \definefontfamily[arialFamily] [sans] [Arial] \definefontfamily[calibriFamily] [sans] [Calibri] % \setupbodyfont[myfontfamily, 12pt] \define\printExample{Es kann allerdings ein Problem auftreten: Es ist nicht immer eindeutig, ob die gemessen Phasenerschiebung eine komplette Umdrehung enthaltem. Angenommen sei eine gemessene Verschiebung von \m{\Delta_{\varphi}}, visualisiert in Abbildung 10 ... \blank[small] Zwar wird dadurch eine gewisse Übersicht geschaffen, jedoch werden potentielle Namens- konflikte nicht verhindert.} \starttext \language[de] \section{Standard Font} \subsection{German} \language[de] \printExample{} \subsection{English} \language[en] \printExample{} \switchtobodyfont[arialFamily, 12pt] \section{Arial 12pt} \subsection{German} \language[de] \printExample{} \subsection{English} \language[en] \printExample{} \page \switchtobodyfont[calibriFamily, 14pt] \section{Calibri 14pt} \subsection{German} \language[de] \printExample{} \subsection{English} \language[en] \printExample{} \stoptext