On Sat, 7 Oct 2006, Pepe Barbe wrote:
Hello everyone,
I have 14 graphs that I want to arrange in a single page. I've found the best wat to do that is with a 3 by 5 combination. Yet, it would look better if I had a 3 by 4 combination and a 2 by 1 centered underneath the preveious. Is there some simple way to do that?
Not that I know of. It may be possible to expand \start stop combination to work with \startcombination[3*4,2*1] but then you will have to count on your own. Perhaps, you can define (untested) \def\resetcombination{\stopcomination\startcombination} and then \startcombination[3*4] .... .... \resetcombination[2*1] .... .... \stopcombination
Also, a while ago I asked about the font size of the captions in the combinations, which wasn't being respected in Math mode. I've tried in the latest beta and the problem persists. Any ideas?
The problem, if any, is with \tfx. This demonstrates it \tfx Test $Test$ Perhaps a cleaner way to do this is \switchtobodyfont[small] Test $Test$ I do not know why is this not equivalent to \small Test $Test$ Aditya