I have condensed it into a single document. The footer has in the right side the page numbering and at the left the "section". Both only start at the second page, which is good. I was wondering if the "section" could have the "title" in front of it. The title always stays the same, and the section changes. Many Thanks Jeroen \setuppapersize[A4,portrait] [A4,portrait] \setuplayout[backspace=20mm, width=175mm, topspace=20mm, header=0mm, footer=2mm, height=263mm, bottomheight=1mm, footerdistance=10mm] \usetypescript[pagella] \setupbodyfont[pagella,12pt] \setupcolors[state=start] \setupfootertexts[section][] \setupfooter[alternative=,style=\bf\em] \setuppagenumbering[alternative=,location={footer,right},style=\bf\em] \setcounter[userpage][0] \setupcombinedlist[content][level=1] \setupexternalfigures[directory={images}] \startdocument[ metadata:title={MkIV Context Notes}, metadata:subtitle={}, metadata:subject={MkIV Context}, affiliation=Context] \starttext \startfrontmatter \title{MkIV \CONTEXT\ Notes.} \startcolumns[n=2] \input zapf \stopcolumns \vfill \placecontent \stopfrontmatter \startbodymatter \section{Introduction} \dorecurse{5}{\input knuth} \section{Closure} \dorecurse{5}{\input bryson} \stopbodymatter \startappendices \setupcombinedlist[content][level=1] \section{Appendix A} \dorecurse{5}{\input tufte} \stopappendices \stoptext Op zo 29 sep. 2019 om 21:36 schreef Wolfgang Schuster < wolfgang.schuster.lists@gmail.com>:
Jeroen schrieb am 29.09.2019 um 20:36:
This is the main file. Neither minimal nor complete and \stopdocument is also missing. \environment mkivcnotesenv \startdocument [metadata:subject={MkIV Context}, affiliation=Context] \starttext \startfrontmatter \input{frontpage.tex} \stopfrontmatter \startbodymatter \section{Introduction} \dorecurse{10}{input knuth} \stopbodymatter \startappendices %\input{a1.tex} \stopappendices \stoptext
Are you looking for something like this (I need more information for a better answer):
\definetext [sectionfooter] [footer] [section] %\definetext [sectionfooter] [footer] [text] [section] []
\setupfootertexts [I'm a footer text!] [pagenumber]
\setuppagenumbering [location=, style=bolditalic]
\setuphead [section] [page=yes, % needed for the footer setting footer=sectionfooter]
\dorecurse{10}{\input knuth}