Curiouslearn wrote:
Is it possible to truncate the digits after decimal point in Metapost when using textext()? Please see the minimal example below which produces 1.84375. Can I just keep the first digit and have it produce 1.8 ?
Here is a helper macro for you: def trunc_digits(expr n, origs) = hide( string s, tmp; numeric ii, e; e := -1; for i=1 upto length(origs): ii := i; tmp := substring (i-1,i) of origs; if tmp = ".": if n=0: ii:=ii-1; exitif true; fi e:=0; fi if e>=0: e := e+1; exitif e>n; fi endfor; s:=substring(0,ii) of origs; ) s enddef; When run this macro with the result of decimal() as second argument, it will create a new string as many fractional digits as you specify in the first argument: label.lft(textext(trunc_digits(1,decimal f(5))),(0,f(5)) scaled u); Best wishes, Taco