Hi Dalyoung, I don't know why \recurselevel returns 0 inside a tabulate environment, but the following works fine: \starttext \startxtable[frame=off,bottomframe=on,width=1cm,align={middle,lohi}] \startxrow\startxcell \stopxcell\stopxrow % just to have a line on the top of the first row \dorecurse{8} {\startxrow\startxcell \recurselevel \stopxcell\stopxrow} \stopxtable \stoptext Best regards: Otared K.
On 21 Sep 2020, at 16:07, Jeong Dal
wrote: Hi,
I tried to make a table using \dorecurse or \doloop as in the example. There is no error but \recurselevel is not increased, all are 0 in the first example and only two rows are created with the \recurselevel 0 and 2 only in the second example.
Does the tabulate cause the error? What is wrong in this MWE?
Thank you for reading.
Best regards,
***** \startbuffer[AdjacencyList1] \starttabulate[|c|cw(2cm)|] \HL \dorecurse{8} {\NC \recurselevel \NC \NC\NR \HL} \stoptabulate \stopbuffer
\startbuffer[AdjacencyList2] \starttabulate[|c|cw(2cm)|] \HL \doloop{ \ifnum \recurselevel=7 \exitloop \fi \NC \recurselevel \NC \NC\NR \HL } \stoptabulate \stopbuffer
\starttext \getbuffer[AdjacencyList1]
\getbuffer[AdjacencyList2] \stoptext
2020. 9. 21. 오후 10:50, ntg-context-request@ntg.nl 작성:
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Today's Topics:
1. Parallel text support (Denis Maier) 2. Re: Parallel text support (Taco Hoekwater) 3. Re: ZapfDingbats Unicode differences MKIV vs LMTX (Christoph Reller) 4. Re: ZapfDingbats Unicode differences MKIV vs LMTX (Hans Hagen) 5. Math fonts for Nimbus fonts (Otared Kavian) 6. Re: 2020 Meeting recordings? (Taco Hoekwater)
Message: 1 Date: Mon, 21 Sep 2020 12:21:37 +0200 From: Denis Maier
To: ntg-context@ntg.nl Subject: [NTG-context] Parallel text support Message-ID: <780fe43c-f2c3-6ea1-04f5-d4d5c22e7d4a@mailbox.org> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8; format=flowed Hi,
I'm trying to typeset a parallel text that should appear in columns. The sources are XML, and there I have to use tables for this. So, I thought the easiest way is to use extreme tables for this:
========================= \starttext
\dorecurse{3}{\input knuth}
\startxtable[split=yes,frame=off] \startxrow \startxcell Text \stopxcell \startxcell Übersetzung \stopxcell \stopxrow \startxrow \startxcell \input ward \stopxcell \startxcell \input tufte \stopxcell \stopxrow \stopxtable
\stoptext =========================
However, as it turns out, split only seems to mean that the table is split between rows, individual rows stay on the same page.
Is there a better approach? I've found the page-streams, but that seems to be too much...
Best, Denis
Message: 2 Date: Mon, 21 Sep 2020 13:58:11 +0200 From: Taco Hoekwater
To: mailing list for ConTeXt users Subject: Re: [NTG-context] Parallel text support Message-ID: Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8 On 21 Sep 2020, at 12:21, Denis Maier
wrote: However, as it turns out, split only seems to mean that the table is split between rows, individual rows stay on the same page.
Is there a better approach? I've found the page-streams, but that seems to be too much…
Message: 3 Date: Mon, 21 Sep 2020 14:55:02 +0200 From: Christoph Reller
To: Hans Hagen Cc: mailing list for ConTeXt users Subject: Re: [NTG-context] ZapfDingbats Unicode differences MKIV vs LMTX Message-ID: Content-Type: text/plain; charset="utf-8" On Sat, Sep 19, 2020 at 12:04 PM Hans Hagen
wrote: On 9/19/2020 6:18 AM, Christoph Reller wrote:
On Fri, Sep 18, 2020 at 4:17 PM Hans Hagen
mailto:j.hagen@xs4all.nl> wrote: On 9/18/2020 11:23 AM, Christoph Reller wrote:
\usemodule [fnt-10] \starttext (1) \getglyphdirect{ZapfDingbats}{61491}\crlf % MKIV log: char (U+0F033) in font 'ZapfDingbats-4' with id 8: missing (2) \getglyphdirect{ZapfDingbats}{983059} % LMTX log: char (U+F0013) in font 'ZapfDingbats-4' with id 8: missing \ShowCompleteFont{name:ZapfDingbats}{14pt}{1} \stoptext
Dingbats are old school t1 without proper names so we can't use unicodes. However, there is a goodie that should do that so that in principle it should work with unicodes but there is some interference going on (i'll look at that)
For nwo access by 'name' or 'index' (these are kind of stable for such an old font):
n:a34 : \getglyph{ZapfDingbats}{\tochar{n:a34}} \par n:a35 : \getglyph{ZapfDingbats}{\tochar{n:a35}} \par i:48 : \getglyph{ZapfDingbats}{\tochar{i:48}} \par i:49 : \getglyph{ZapfDingbats}{\tochar{i:49}} \par n:a104 : \getglyph{ZapfDingbats}{\tochar{n:a104}} \par n:a105 : \getglyph{ZapfDingbats}{\tochar{n:a105}} \par
Thank you Hans! Access by glyph index with \tochar{i:19} works well for both MKIV and LMTX. Access by name with \tochar{n:a39} does not work in LMTX with log message: char ✓ (U+02713) in font 'ZapfDingbats-4' with id 8: missing. Also \ShowCompleteFont does not report any glyph names in LMTX. should be a bit better in yesterdays upload (i also changed the file name alias so that in pinciple unicode should work too)
Dear Hans,
Thank you for working on this. I have tried version 2020.09.20: Unicode input works for the "Private Use Area" Unicodes reported in \ShowCompleteFont. Such Unicodes are, however, not desirable. Moreover, in MKIV, a Unicode U+2713 (Check Mark) in the input did produce the ZapfDingbats check, e.g. as follows:
\definefontsynonym[ZapfDingbats][file:ZapfDingbats][features=dingbats] \definefont[zapfdingbats][ZapfDingbats] \starttext {\zapfdingbats ✓} \definedfont[name:ZapfDingbats]✓ \stoptext
I still get no check mark in the output PDF and a log message "char ✓ (U+02713) in font 'ZapfDingbats-4' with id 8: missing". Am I using the font wrongly? (This has not a high priority for me, because I have the unified access by glyph index.)