On Fri, Jun 13, 2008 at 1:03 PM, Pau
I have googled, looked in the pragma site etc for a template (style) of an a0 poster. Doing this with latex is a bit of a nightmare and the result is not very appealing. I am looking for something in the size of a0 with embedded boxes with plots, equations etc. If such a file existed and was to be found somewhere I'd be grateful if you gave me a link.
You could use Layers, Overlays, backgrounds etc. \setuppapersize[A0][A0] \definelayer [posterbox] [width=\paperwidth, height=\paperheight] \setupbackgrounds[page][background=posterbox] \setupbodyfont[50pt] \starttext \startstandardmakeup \setlayerframed [posterbox] [x=10cm,y=7cm] [width=40cm,align=right] {\input knuth\par} \setlayerframed [posterbox] [x=23cm,y=67cm] [width=40cm,align=right] {\input tufte\par} \stopstandardmakeup \stoptext Greetings Wolfgang