On 6/1/06, David Arnold wrote:
I just received this from our disabled students' center.
What is needed is a simple way to convert a Context document into a format that can be "read" by these MathML players.
Are we anywhere close to such a conversion?
I doubt that you can convert a ConTeXt document into XML (MathML or whatever) directly. I don't know how complex your documents are, but some poeple do write in XML and process their documents with both ConTeXt and "whatever turns XML into HTML". The nice part about ConTeXt is that you don't need any additional effort to process XML or MathML, but you do need some more effort to write equations in MathML or the whole text in XML. However, in such cases it might be worth doing it and might need less work than "scanning the book, extracting text, retyping equations, etc. ..." http://pear.math.pitt.edu/mathzilla/itex2mmlFrag.html can convert "TeX math" into MathML for example - if you need a simple way to write your equations - and there are probably plenty of MathML editors as well. (There are some links present on http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/MathML and on many other pages.) Hans has also written support for OpenMath, but I'm not sure if math-to-speech converters support that already. Didn't try it out, but the link that Aditya pointed out seems interesting as well. Mojca