Can someone please tell me why the following does not center the text in the first row?
Thanks in advance.


        \bTD {\bf Concept} \eTD
        \bTD {\bf Definition} \eTD
        \bTD {\bf Closure} of a set $ E \subset M $ ($ \text{cl}(E) $) \eTD
        \bTD \hskip 1em $ \text{cl}(E) = \cap\{ F : E \subset F, F \text{ is closed} \}$ \eTD
        \bTD $ x $ is a {\bf contact point} or {\bf accumulation point} of $ E $ if \eTD
        \bTD \hskip 1em $ \forall \varepsilon > 0, B_{\varepsilon}(x) \cap E \neq \emptyset $ \eTD