Hans, I'm revisiting the metafun manual and I am marveling at the format of the source code. For example: \starttabulate[|lT|l|] \HL \NC \METAPOST\ code \NC mathematical equivalent \NC \NR \HL \NC (x,y) shifted (a,b) \NC $(x+a,y+b)$ \NC \NR \NC (x,y) scaled s \NC $(sx,sy)$ \NC \NR \NC (x,y) xscaled s \NC $(sx,y)$ \NC \NR \NC (x,y) yscaled s \NC $(x,sy)$ \NC \NR \NC (x,y) zscaled (u,v) \NC $(xu-yv,xv+yu)$ \NC \NR \NC (x,y) slanted s \NC $(x+sy,y)$ \NC \NR \NC (x,y) rotated r \NC $(x\cos(r)-y\sin(r),x\sin(r)+y\cos(r))$ \NC \NR \HL \stoptabulate Pasting into my email program does not do this code snippet justice, as in the Metafun source, all of the \NC's are aligned vertically, as are the \NR's. How do you do this? Does your editor align these for you, or do you painstakenly align them manually with the spacebar?