Hi, (this is my first email to the list) I've created a project for my Thesis. The file tree is: /prod_thesis/ /prod_thesis.tex /envi_thesis.tex /comp_chap1/ /comp_chap1.tex /envi_chap1.tex /images/ /image1.jpg /image2.jpg (...) /tables/ /table1.tex /table2.tex (...) /comp_chap2/ /comp_chap2.tex /envi_chap2.tex /images/ /image1b.jpg /image2b.jpg (...) /tables/ /table1b.tex /table2b.tex (...) (...) envi_chap1.tex has: \startenvironment envi_chap1 \product prod_thesis \usepath[images] \usepath[tables] \stopenvironment comp_chap1.tex has: \startcomponent comp_chap1.tex \product prod_thesis \environment envi_chap1 blah blah blah \placefigure[here][fig:img1]{img1}{ \externalfigure[image1.jpg] } blah blah blah \input tables/table1 blah blah blah \stopcomponent prod_thesis.tex has: \startproduct prod_thesis \environment envi_thesis blah blah blah \component comp_chap1 \component comp_chap2 (...) \stopproduct and finally, envi_thesis.tex has: \startenvironment envi_thesis \usepath[{comp_chap1,comp_chap2}] blah (about styles) blah \stopenvironment If I cd into comp_chap1 dir and exec: texexec -xtx comp_chap1.tex the chapter1 is generated without any problem. All images and tables are inserted ok. But if I cd into prod_thesis and exec: texexec -xtx prod_thesis.tex all images are replace by "dummy images", and tables are not found (raising an error in compilation of document). In prod_thesis compilation (is it correct to say "compilation of document"?), context is looking for file /prod_thesis/tables/table1.tex but isn't not looking in /prod_thesis/comp_chap1/tables/table1.tex. I've created a copy of tables in /prod_thesis/ and document compiled good. But i don't like to pollute prod_thesis directory. Questions: What is the canonical way to keep subdirectories of dependencies in a component? (to be reused later in product compilation) I thought \usepath was to indicate where look for input files. I have to use "\input tables/table1" to find table 1. \usepath didn't work in envi_chap1.tex. Cheers.