Dear all, This is a small thing which is OK to be ignored. Please pardon me if it is a noise for you. I used to use \usemodule[pre60] for step by step output for presentation. Some time ago, I faced a strange pdf output. For example, I want two steps inside the second item. So, I use the following: \usemodule[pre60] ... ... Test of \tex{StartSteps}. \blank \startitemize \item first item \item second item \StartSteps \startitemize \item flush 1 \FlushStep \item flush 2 \FlushStep \stopitemize \StopSteps \item third item \stopitemize \page \starttable[|c|c|c|c|c|c|] \HL \VL \VL A \VL B \VL C \VL D \VL E \VL\FR \HL \VL \VL 2\VL 1\VL 3\VL 2\VL 2\VL\SR \HL \stoptable ... %%%%%%%%%%%% I got correct steps flush1 and flush 2, but the table after the steps was disappeared.(just white page) If I change the order of table and items, both are displayed and worked well. I have tested in many ways to know why the table disappeared after \StartStep. I found that it is neither the order of the code nor the some other settings. It is the level of the location of \StartSteps. If I put \StartSteps in the first level of itemization, there is no problem. Of course, I have to put more \FlushStep like Test of \tex{StartSteps}. \blank \StartSteps \startitemize \item first item \item second item \FlushStep \StartSteps \startitemize \item flush 1 \FlushStep \item flush 2 \FlushStep \stopitemize \StopSteps \item third item \FlushStep \stopitemize \page \starttable[|c|c|c|c|c|c|] \HL \VL \VL A \VL B \VL C \VL D \VL E \VL\FR \HL \VL \VL 2\VL 1\VL 3\VL 2\VL 2\VL\SR \HL \stoptable I report this just for information which may be already known to Hans, Wolfgang, et al. One appreciation is that \StartSteps ... \StopSteps works well with Simpleslides module nicely! Thanks and have a nice weekend. Best regards, Dalyoung