Hello all, I have a reason to print labels to page in "vertical mode". This means, that labels are place to page underneath first and then abreast (ie top to bottom first and then subsequently left to rigth). According to the example of the way they are now labels numbered : 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 but I want to be numbered: 1 6 11 2 7 12 3 8 13 4 9 14 5 10 15 Exist any simple way in \setuparranging [XY] mode (not in columns mode) for this? If it will not somehow just does not matter. Otherwise I'll do sort of data that I print to the labels (but otherwise I find it quite helpful as I could keep my original gear mechanism). Thanx Jaroslav Here is my minimal example: \newdimen\labelwidth\labelwidth=30mm \newdimen\labelheight\labelheight=20mm \newdimen\disthor\disthor=1mm \newdimen\distvert\distvert=1mm \newcount\counthor\counthor=5 \newcount\countvert\countvert=10 \definepapersize[label][width=\labelwidth,height=\labelheight] \setuppapersize [label][A4] \definemeasure[topspace] [\dimexpr(\printpaperheight-(\labelheight + \distvert)*\countvert+\distvert)/2\relax] \definemeasure[backspace] [\dimexpr(\printpaperwidth-(\labelwidth + \disthor)*\counthor+\disthor)/2\relax] \setuppaper [topspace=\measure{topspace},backspace=\measure{backspace},dx=\disthor,dy=\distvert,nx=\counthor,ny=\countvert] \setuplayout [page] [topspace=\measure{topspace},backspace=\measure{backspace}] \setuplayout [page] \setuplayout [location=middle] \setuparranging [XY] \showframe[edge] \starttext \dorecurse{50}{{\recurselevel\page}} \stoptext