Le 10. 10. 16 à 09:24, Hans Hagen a écrit :
What context installation do you use? The reference is the one on the context garden. Each year tex lives has a snapshot of that one. So, first make sure you run the latest version.
I am using version 2016.05.17 19:20. I saw that context live is using version 2016.05.19 13:43, so I have fast the latest version.
Concerning old manuals: they often refer to mkii but with mkiv we have different (often better) solutions. The examplap code and examples are mkii and also relate to pdf trickery and as pdf evolved it became more clear what was bound to acrobat i.e. not picked up (ignored) by open source alternatives and therefore less relevant.
Ok, I didn't know that about the pdf format. Thanks for the information.
An important source are the setup-*.pdf files as these describe the interface which is described in the interface definition files (in xml format). These have recently be updated by Wolfgang and are very accurate.
Yes, that was one of the thinks I was looking for, thanks !
You mentioned that keys (functionality) that disappears should be somehow documented but normally no functionality disappears. What happened was that mkiv has some more (because it's possible) and less (because it was no longer needed) than mkii and has been made more consistent.
I was more thinking about commands or commands option becoming deprecated and replaced by another way of making thinks. But it is also true that I tried to make the moderncv interface work from the letter module but its interface is now gone. I didn't notice at first that the letter module is still under development which means its interfaces aren't stable. So it seems now that what I was saying doesn't really apply to ConTeXt's core.
The wiki has a page for examples and you’re free to update the existing examples or add new ones.
Do you mean http://wiki.contextgarden.net/Sample_documents ? Yes, that's a good idea, since I believe that it is a way to improve documentation with little efforts. Then I plan to add the cover letter style I made since I am happy with the results, although 1 or 2 things could have some improvement. There are also some letter styles there, then I will have a look on them too. I don't know if people are intimidated about writing contents in the wiki because it is the official wiki and feel that only programmers are supposed to update it, but it will be really helpfull if the users have more the habit of posting there the document styles they made.
My cover letter template is now maturing, since it is only the beginning I am using it, but I believe it will be ready soon to be posted in the wiki :-).
Sounds interesting and the best thing you can do is to start with it.
Thanks for your encouragement ! Yes that looks like an interesting challenge for me, but it is not something I am wanting to do alone because of my lack of experience, at least I would need someone to coach me. Actually I don't have really experience with web developpment and I would at least need help for the technological choices. Having someone that tells me that if I use technology X, there are module Y and Z that will be a good fit is a good start.
This will only work when someone takes the lead. If you do that you then others will help you. If you need something special on the wiki, just discuss it with Taco and Mojca who deal with the technicalities.
OK, it is still an idea that needs maturation. I know I tend to be quickly enthusiastic about an idea and overly optimistic about my abilities to implement it which means that I eventually end giving up. So now I need some thinking about the idea, about if I am ready to invest the needed time. Maybe the task is to big for me but there could be a less time consuming solution that can be OK although not as great. Or I could still go for the original idea with being clear about what I can do and how much time I can invest to and how much help I need to complete what I couldn't reasonably do. Cheers, Jonas