Vit, Thanks for your quick answer. I tried your "quick" solution (\bTD \hskip1cm Second movie \hskip2cm\null\eTD) but it doesn't work when cell contains a multiline text: the left space is only present on the first line and the right space is only present on the last line. Andmy natural table have some cells containing two or three lines of text. Do you have any idea? Thanks, Nicolas PS: If someone is able to develop an extension to natural tables in order to have parameters like leftoffset, rightoffset, topoffset and bottomoffset in bTABLE and setupTABLE, my company is interested to pay some hours/days of development and release the result to ConTeXt project. Vit wrote:
I just tried your solution, but it doesn't work: it adds space to the four side of table cells. But I want to add space ONLY TO LEFT AND RIGHT, not to top and bottom, like in the following illustration:
--------------------------------- | My text | ---------------------------------
inside the cell
\leftskip1em \rightskip\leftskip
Not to four sides but between columns. Rows distance is not affected. But you are right it does not increase distance between text and cell frame. Since natural tables uses \framed construct in each cell and \framed has no 'before'/'after'/'hoffset'/'leftoffset'/'rightoffset' it can not be simply set for whole natural table.
a) quick: \bTD \hskip1cm Second movie \hskip2cm\null\eTD or with macro: \newdimen\lOffset \lOffset=1cm \newdimen\rOffset \rOffset=2cm \def\myNatTabCell#1{\bTD\hskip\lOffset#1\hskip\rOffset\null\eTD} ... \myNatTabCell{Second movie} ...
b) systematic create alternative \extframed with 'before', 'after', 'hoffset', 'leftoffset', 'rightoffset', 'voffset', 'topoffset', 'bottomoffset' and add switches: \bTABLE[alternative=extframed,leftoffset=1cm,rightoffset=2cm]
Minimal example: --------------------------------------- \starttext \bTABLE[frame=on] \bTR \bTH My Title \eTH \bTH Your title \eTH \eTR \bTR \bTD First try \eTD \bTD Second try \eTD \eTR \bTR \bTD First movie \eTD \bTD \hskip1cm Second movie \hskip2cm\null\eTD \eTR \eTABLE \stoptext