On Tue, 2016-08-09 at 15:21 +0200, Jean-Pierre Delange wrote:
Hi Kip,
Maybe you can try this :
\defineparagraphs[TwoColumns][n=2, align={hz,hanging}] \setupparagraphs[TwoColumns][1][width=52pt, style=italic, align=left] % Note : you can play with the width.
\starttext \startTwoColumns Yourtext1\TwoColumns Yourtext2 \stopTwoColumns \stoptext If you read French, see samples here : https://fr.wikibooks.org/wiki/ConTeXt#Texte_sur_2_colonnes.2C_avec_de s_graisses_diff.C3.A9rentes_et_du_grec_ancien
Hey Jean-Pierre, That works wonderfully, except that for some reason all of the white space between paragraphs is gone in the second column. I'm not sure why since I have... \setupwhitespace[medium] \setupblank[big] -- Kip Warner -- Senior Software Engineer OpenPGP encrypted/signed mail preferred http://www.thevertigo.com