Le 01 décembre à 20:00:59 Roger Mason
| Jean Magnan de Bornier
| > Well, AucTeX does recognize a LaTeX file from a ConTeXt file; no need for that!
| I did it like that because I have (setq-default TeX-master nil) in my | .emacs so it asks then inserts the local variables that Peter | mentioned. Having emacs recognise a context file by \starttext is | fine except when you open a new file.
| This is drifting off topic but, if you have any tweaks to make AUCTeX | work better with context than it does out of the box then I'd be glad | to hear about them.
Well, not specific to AucTeX, you could use one of emacs' template modes to create new tex files, specifying the needed lines in the template. http://www.emacswiki.org/cgi-bin/emacs-en/TemplatesMode (I use template.el to choose e.g. from several styles to write letters, and I like it). On the other hand, AucTeX maintainers might be willing to develop something specific for opening context files... cheers, -- Jean