Hello, I am going to solve my problem here: http://tex.stackexchange.com/questions/123647/from-xelatexs-unicode-math-to-... with virtual math fonts. I use Baskervald ADF instead of Libertine. I was pleased to see that the following files produced effects: Extract from environment file fonts.tex: ------------------------------------------------ \startenvironment fonts \starttypescript [math] [fonts] \loadfontgoodies[baskervald-math] \definefontsynonym[MathRoman][file:texgyrepagella-math@baskervald-math] \stoptypescript \definetypeface [fonts] [mm] [math] [fonts] [default] [features=default] \setupbodyfont [fonts, 12pt] \stopenvironment ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Extract from goodies file baskervald-math.lfg: ------------------------------------------ return { name = "baskervald-math", version = "1.00", comment = "Goodies that give math support for the Baskervald ADF font.", author = "author", copyright = "copyrigth", mathematics = { virtuals = { ["baskervald-math"] = { { name = "texgyrepagella-math.otf", features = "virtualmath", main = true }, { name = "BaskervaldADFStd.otf", features = "virtualmath", vector = "tex-mr-missing" } , { name = "BaskervaldADFStd-Italic", vector = "tex-it" } , { name = "BaskervaldADFStd-Bold.otf", vector = "tex-bf", skewchar=0x7F } , { name = "BaskervaldADFStd-BoldItalic.otf", vector = "tex-bi" } , { name = "corbel.ttf", vector = "tex-ss", optional=true }, { name = "UbuntuMono-R.ttf", vector = "tex-tt", optional=true }, }, } } } --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Now I have two questions. The first and most important question is: Where do I define my own vector mapping? Should I modify ConTeXt’s source code in the math-ttv.lua file? How do I define my own baskervald-math.lua and what should I write in it (for example for mapping Pagella’s upright mathematic glyphs to Baskervald’s upright glyphs)? The second question is this. I have the following Project structure: Book (root directory) Book/book.tex (Project file) Book/fonts.tex (environment file) Book/Volume1 (subdirectory) Book/Volume1/volume1.tex (product file) Book/Volume1/Chapter1 (subsubdirectory) Book/Volume1/Chapter1/chapter1.tex (component file) I am forced to put the goodies file baskervald-math.lfg in Book/Volume1/Chapter1. When I put it in Book and compiled chapter1.tex separately ConTeXt failed to find it. What should I do to have the file baskervald-math.lfg in the Book directory and make ConTeXt find it when invoked from Book/Volume1/Chapter1. Best regards, Joas.