Hi y’all, this is a scratch counter from the simpleslides module. It doesn’t work any more (always shows max-1), and I guess it used to. What’s wrong? Hraban """ \startuseMPgraphic{MP:ornament} StartPage ; save a,b ; numeric a,b ; a = 7mm ; b = PaperWidth/2 - NOfPages * 2.5pt ; save p,q; path p,q ; p =((0,5mm) -- (1mm,11mm)) shifted (b,0) ; q =((-8mm,5mm) -- (0,11mm) ) shifted (b,0) ; pickup pencircle scaled 3pt ; for i := NOfPages-1 downto 1: draw (if i mod 5 = 0 : q else : p fi) shifted (i*5pt, 0pt) withcolor if i < PageNumber : red else : black fi ; endfor ; StopPage ; \stopuseMPgraphic \defineoverlay[background:ornament][\useMPgraphic{MP:ornament}] \setupbackgrounds[page][background={background:ornament}] \setupbodyfont[ss,18pt] \starttext \dorecurse{10}{ \strut\par \page } \stoptext """