Something as elementary as "mathenvironment" can't really be faulty, can it? According to my recent tests, a mathalignment environment does not seem to react (any more) to the values of the "align" option. The source code hab been rendered correctly a few years ago, Minimal example 1: \starttext \startformula \startmathalignment[n=2,align={left, right}] \NC always aligned to the right \NC = u + at, \NR \NC d \NC = ut + \frac12 at^2. \NR \stopmathalignment \stopformula \stoptext Despite "align={left, right}", the first column is aligned to the right and the second to the left. This does not change, no matter which values I assign to "align", for example align={middle, middle}. The align option is also ignored in the case of other column numbers., for example: \starttext \startformula \startmathalignment[n=1,align=left] \NC This single column should \NR \NC be left-aligned, \NR \NC but it is centered. \NR \stopmathalignment \stopformula \stoptext What am I missing here? Where is my mistake? Regards Wolfgang