Hi, I hope I don't just overlook some plain obvious solution, but a longer search in the Wiki and the mailing list (and the context source) didn't come up with anything too useful .... Anyway: is there any mechanism that I can use to "fix" quotations while typesetting XML documents? Pandoc produces "some text". In TeX I would usually use \quotation{some text} to have proper, language dependent quotes. I tried to intercept " using \xmltexentity{quot}{...} but apparently the internal replacement takes precedence here. Otherwise I would have tried to build some small state machine which remembers if it is currently inside a quotation of not. My next try would be to somehow intercept the XML stream (or flush) using lua and replace " ... " inline. However that all seems quite hacky. So, does ConTeXt currently offer anything I can piggyback to get quotations set properly? :-) Best regards, Andreas