On Tue, Aug 24, 2010 at 6:01 PM, Michael Goerz
I'm trying to create a book where the front matter has no headers/footers, except roman numeral page numbers at the top outside of the page. The main matter should have Arabic numeral page numbers (restarting with '1') at the top outside of each page, plus the name of the book in the header of each even page and the name of the chapter in the header of each odd page, with no footer. However, on the pages where a new chapter starts (which is set to always be an odd page), there should be no header, and the page number should appear centered at the bottom of the page.
I'm quite confused about how to achieve this in ConTeXt.
An excerpt from the project structure is ./env.tex ./project.tex ./book/book.tex ./book/chapters/chapter1.tex
The following is a shortened excerpt from book.tex: \startfrontmatter \setuppagenumbering[state=stop] % nothing for now, should be roman page % numbers later \component book/frontmatter % ToC ... \stopfrontmatter
\startbodymatter \setuppagenumber[number=1] \setupheadertexts [{Name of Chapter}] [{}] [{}] [{Name of Book}] \setuppagenumbering[ alternative=doublesided, % mirrored even/odd pages location={header,margin}, style=small] \component vol04_1/articles/azimov \stopbodymatter This leads to my first question: I generally try to keep all formatting definitions in env.tex. However, it seems to me that since I want to have different settings in the frontmatter compared to the mainmatter, I need to put the \setuppagenumbering and \setupheadertexts in book.tex, which slightly bothers me. The way I intuitively feel it should work is that I would define various headertexts and pagenumberings under some label in env.tex, and then activate the different configurations in book.tex via that label. Is there anything in ConTeXt that I may have overlooked that makes something like that (centrally defining several alternative header/footer/pagenumber configurations) possible?
Next, the problem of having a different header/footer/pagenumber on pages where a new chapter starts. In env.tex, I have
\setuphead[chapter][ page=mychapterpagebreak, number=no, alternative=c, align={center, nothyphenated, verytolerant}, style={\switchtobodyfont[16pt]}, header=high, footer=none, ]
This causes the chapter pages to have no header/footer/pagenumber at all, which is halfway what I want. But actually, I don't really understands why that works either. My understanding is that "header=high" means there should be no header on the first page and the normal header on all subsequent pages. The way I've set it up though, the page number is not really part of the header (it's separately set up through \setuppagenumbering). So why does the page number disappear as well? And, of course, the main question: How do I get the page number centered in the bottom of that page? Again, I feel if there was some way to define different configurations for the header/footer/pagenumbers under different labels, e.g. a label 'chapterfooter', it would then make sense to do something like 'footer=chapterfooter', instead of 'footer=none'. But I guess that's not the way it works -- so how *does* it work? Digging deeper in the reference manual, it seems that \definetext[chapter][footer][pagenumber] together with \setuphead[chapter][ page=mychapterpagebreak, number=no, alternative=c, align={center, nothyphenated, verytolerant}, style={\switchtobodyfont[16pt]}, header=high, footer=chapter, ] is the answer.
Do I understand it correctly that \definetext[chapter][footer]... is exactly the same as \setupfootertext... but with the extra label "chapter"? So that would be exactly what my intuition said should exist. Can I only use the "chapter" label inside of \setuphead, like in the above example, or could I also somehow use \definetext to setup different headers/footers for the frontmatter/mainmatter, for example? Thanks, Michael