On 30 Jan 2018, at 17:37, Wolfgang Schuster
wrote: […] Is there a way to make the \defineseparatedlist command to be more tolerant for the filename?
No but you can remove the space with Lua.
Thanks again! That does it. However, it seems strange that the \externalfigure command does not accept a space in front of the file name nor after the file extension, while \input is very tolerant in that respect. Compare \input knuth.tex \input knuth.tex \input{knuth.tex} which are all accepted, while when there is a space after the extension, \startplacefigure[number=no] \externalfigure[hacker.jpg ] \stopplacefigure or a space before the filename \startplacefigure[number=no] \externalfigure[ hacker.jpg] \stopplacefigure then ConTeXt does not recognize the file… Maybe Hans has a reason to explain this behavior, but it is not clear to me. Best regards: OK