Hi, I asked this question some time ago: https://tex.stackexchange.com/q/354731/2867 Today I found out about viewer layers. Sadly they seem to be buggy in the ConTeXt version in TeXlive 2019.52575 When I compile the following document, the “view” layer seems to gobble up the rest of the document: Hiding it makes “More text” vanish. Also, I don’t know if [state=stop,printable=yes] does what I want, i.e. being visible by default on print media. If not, how to achieve that? Best, Philipp \defineviewerlayer[print][state=stop,printable=yes] \defineviewerlayer[view][state=start,printable=no] \def\viewcolor#1#2{% \startviewerlayer[view]\color[#1]{#2}\stopviewerlayer% \startviewerlayer[print]\llap{#2}\stopviewerlayer% } \starttext Hi! \viewcolor{red}{This is only red on screen}. More text. \stoptext