Hi Hans, On 19 Jan 2006, at 00:26, Hans Hagen wrote:
did you try:
\defineunicodefont [MySwitch] [MyOwnFont] % [command= \insertunicodeglyph]
\definefontsynonym [MyOwnFontRegular] [Sans] \definefontsynonym [MyOwnFontItalic] [SansItalic]
\MySwitch \uchar... \it ...
Yes, but still no bold or italics. Maybe there is something wrong with my definitions. [code] \defineunicodefont [MySwitch] [mylinostar] % [command= \insertunicodeglyph] \loadmapfile[palatinolinostar_01xx-starling-linostar] \definefontsynonym [mylinostarRegular01] [palatinolinostar_01xx- PalatinoLinoStar] \definefontsynonym [mylinostarBold01] [palatinolinostar_01xx- PalatinoLinoStarBold] \definefontsynonym [mylinostarItalic01] [palatinolinostar_01xx- PalatinoLinoStarItalic] \starttext {\MySwitch \uchar{1}{1}} \\ {\MySwitch \it \uchar{1}{1}} \\ {\MySwitch \bf \uchar{1}{1}} \\ \stoptext [/code] I have installed the font without errors with TeXfont.
The uchar command is a wrapper around a handler; currently only chinese and japanese handlers are defined, and you need a defaultcase.
What do you mean by defaultcase?
(btw this mechanism is rather complex because it needs to handle (1) fake unicode, i.e. you can define remappers, (2) unicode, (3) utf as input encoding, (4) special handlers, (5) ..... ) Even i get lost in the code -)
I see what you mean. The font-uni.tex is an impressive piece of coding. Sjoerd